aci707 Audio Control Interface (continued)
4. For each audio channel you will use (this equals the number of microphone transmitters in
use), connect a cable to the corresponding Audio Output on the rear of the aci707. Each
aci707 provides seven channels of audio output for connection to your external equipment
(mixers, recording devices, teleconferencing equipment). (See Audio Outputs, page 11.)
5. Preliminary factory setup of DIP Switches is as follows:
• 1&2: Toggle mode (Mic/transmitter’s soft-touch mute button is in touch on/touch off mode.)
• 3: Local control (Mic/transmitter’s soft-touch button controls audio output.)
• 4: Channels 1-7 (Assign channels 1 through 7 to mic/transmitters.)
• 5: Active mode (aci707 will send data back to mic/transmitters.)
• 6: Mic level output (Low-level output.)
To change these settings, see DIP Switch Configuration Settings on page 12.
6. Press the power button on the front panel of the aci707. Confirm that the blue power LED
comes on. With switches in factory setup positions (see number 5 above), the mic level
output LED will also be illuminated as will the red Mute LEDs for channels 1-7. (Press each
mic/transmitter’s touch button to unmute.)
mtu101 Boundary Microphone Transmitter Unit
The mtu101 Boundary Microphone Transmitter is equipped with a soft-touch button that can be
programmed for push-to-talk, push-to-mute, or toggle operation; on/off switch; channel address
selector; LEDs indicating power/mute and link status; low-battery warning and more.
1. Insert 2 fully charged rechargeable NiMH AA batteries or 2 fresh AA 1.5V alkaline batteries
in each mtu101 Boundary Microphone Transmitter. (See Battery Selection & Battery
Installation, page 13.) Note: Be certain the NiMH batteries are fully charged: see How to
use the cei007 as a recharging station, page 7.
2. Select a unique channel address on the bottom of each mtu101 Boundary Microphone
Transmitter. (1-7 for the first aci707 audio control interface unit used; 8-14 for the second
aci707 unit). (See Channel Address Selection, page 13.)
3. Turn on the power switch on the bottom of each boundary microphone. The Power LED
(A-T logo) on the top of the boundary microphone transmitter will glow blue. (See Power
On/Power Off, page 13.)
4. Confirm link status. If the boundary microphone transmitter is properly linked, the Link LED
will glow blue and the top green light on the corresponding aci707 channel will light. (See Link
LED, page 13.)
5. Confirm mute/live audio status. When the audio is on, the elliptical Live Audio LEDs glow
blue. To change mute status, depress the microphone/transmitter's soft-touch button. (See
Audio Mute LED, page 14.) Note: Button function is programmable. See DIP Switches
1 & 2 control microphone/transmitter button function, page 12.
6. Confirm battery status. Low battery is indicated by blinking power light (top logo portion).
(See Low Battery Warning, page 13.)
7. With the aci707 on and connected as desired, the drm141 connected, and the boundary
microphone transmitters on, speak into each microphone and verify audio operation. Set the
input levels on your connected equipment as needed. (If connected equipment requires line-
level inputs, set DIP Switch #6 to line level as described in DIP Switch 6 selects Line or Mic
level on page 12.) You are now set to use the system.