297x198_Flores_Tech09_Bild_28 28 18.08.14 13:46
v09-Bild-Korrektur: 19.08.2014
quattro® permanent
all-wheel drive.
Outstanding traction, improved handling dynamics and more driving safety. Or for short: quattro.
Hardly any other drive system transfers the engine's power to theroad so effortlessly.
The central component is the self-locking centre differential. The basic configuration of
the purely mechanical planetary gear set distributes the drive torque asymmetrically for better
driving dynamics. In a ratio of 40 : 60 between the front and rear axle. But if necessary
up to 70 % can be distributed to the front or up to 85 % to the rear to offset anyoccurring
wheel slip. Using wheel-selective torque control, the drive force isdistributed to each individual
wheel depending on the driving situation. What is special here is the way the effects of the
torque distribution are felt before any undesirable wheel slipoccurs. The result is a yawing
moment which supports cornering – and thus provides precisely controlled,sporty
with increased agility and superb traction at the same time.
By request the quattro drivetrain can be fitted with the sport differential on the rear axle, in
to further enhance driving dynamics.
Flores_Tech18_2014_09.indd 28 17.09.14 10:01
v18-Text-Korrektur: 17.09.2014
297x198_Flores_Tech09_Bild_29 29 21.07.14 12:02
v09-Bild-Stand: 21.07.2014
Flores_Tech18_2014_09.indd 29 03.09.14 14:24