New Construction and Retrofit Installations
Note: A
rtew consfmcf»on rough-in
bsck box kit
available from Atlantic Technology. Please refer to the instructions included
in those kits fa their use. If the rough in kit has been used please go direaly
to Step 2 below
Mounting Hole Specifications:
IWTS-6 CMS: Diameta = 7-7/8 in., 205mm; Depth = 3-7/8 in., 98mm
IWTS-8 CMS: Diameter=9-1/2 in.. 247mm; Depth = 4-1/4 in.. 108mm
Cul an appropriately sized opening in the ceiling material. Be sure that
the ceiling material can support the weight of the speaker. Also be sure
that the sides of the opening are at least 1*1/2 inches away from any
beams or studs within the cavity. I f it is not, the rotating clamps will be
restricted in their movement and may not clamp properly.
Be sure that all foreign material in the ceiling is kept out of the speaker
assembly, particulariy the back of the woofer cone. (There is a cloth
shield on the rear of the woofer, but please u.se care anmay.) If the
ceiling is void of insulation it will be beneficial to the performance of
the speaker to install an Atlantic Technology foam Sound Damping Kit
behind and around the assembly.
IMPORTANT: Depending on the sound mode (mono, stereo or sur
round) you intend to use, certain settings must be made before installing
Jumper Settings Pind the jumper pins on the crossover board of your
speaker. I’hey are the same for both the 6 CMS and 8 CMS. Por Stereo
operation, install ihejumper blocks as shown in Figure 2A. For Mono/
TriVector operation, install the jumper blocks as shown in Figure 2B.
Operation Settings To set the 6 CMS for Normal (mono or stereo)
operation, attach the wiring connector to the pins marked NOR on
the crossover board as shown in Fig. 3A. For Triveclor surround
operation, attach the connector to the pins marked SUK (Fig. 3H).
To set the 8 CMS for Normal (mono or stereo) operation, set the
upper selector switch located on the tweeter as.sembly to NOR. For
TriVector .surround operation, .set the selector to SUR (see Fig. 4A).
Use the high frequency level adjustment, also liKated on the tweeter
assembly, to increase (+) or decrca.se (-) the level of high frequency
.sound produced by the tweeters. The settings on the 8 CMS can easily
be changed after the speaker is installed (see Fig. 4B).
Attach the previously installed audio feed wires to the appropriate
sj>eaker terminals. For Mono or TriVector operation either set of input
terminals may be used. For .Stereo operation one set ofleadsisattached
to each set ofinput terminals. Simply remove 1/2 inchofinsulation from
the end of each input wire. Push down on the terminal connector and a
large opening will appear in the shaft of the connector that is capable of
holding up to 10 gauge wire. Insert the bare wire into the opening and
release the terminal. Be sure to observe correct polarity, connecting the
positive (-t-) leads to the red terminals and the negative {•) leads to the
black terminals. Also be sure that no stray strands of wire touch across
any terminals. See Figure 5.
Check to ensure that the rotating clamps are “parked” and not sticking
out over the edge of the assembly.
Push the speaker assembly straight up into thcopening with the tweeters
oriented as noted previously.
Tighten the mounting screws one at a time. As you lighten, the rotating
clamps on the back of the assembly wilt turn and lower, until they contact
the back of the ceiling and clamp the ceiling beriveen themselves and
the trim ring. See Figure 6.
Snug all four mounting screws in this manner to make a firm seal with
the ceiling. Be careful not to overtighten them.
Start the system and make sure the speakers are operat
ing properly. If you have Installed the 8 CMS adjust the high
frequency switch (on the tweeter assembly, under the grille) to gel the
most natural balance of sound throughout the listening area.
Install the grille by placing it into the recess and pushing it
in gently.
SS-20kK2.<i/-3dB 45 - 20kHr.W-3d8
SemilMty(1 walVI meter)89d6 89d8
2x8U. Stereo. 1x40. Mono
2i8U. Stereo. 1 x4fl. More
\Voolef type Du4VC, OualVC,
MiciHGrafArte loaded (Wymer cone
M<a№raohite 'oaded Posner cone
Tweeten 2 X 3M incfi Domet vtfphase lent 2 X1 mdi domes w^hete tent
$2$bs 1
Atlantic Technology
.Î4.Î Vanderbilt Avenue Norwood. MA 02062
(781) 762*6300