6.4 Fault codes
NB:Some DW70.3 and DW70.4 models
may have a status lamp that always ashes
together with the current fault indicator. If the
customer has activated the sound option an
audible signal is also heard when a fault is
Temperature stop fault (DW70.1 no
70.3 L1 ashes
70.4 “Temp. stop fault”
70.5 Fault code “F1”
70.C Fault code “ F2”
Temperature increase less than 5°C in ten
minutes. Program continues with the proc-
ess. Only indicated in service menu.
Check:Element, thermistor, water level,
circulation pump, control unit and cables.
70.1 L2 ashes
70.3 L2 ashes
70.4 “Overlling”
70.5 Fault code “F2”
70.C Fault code “F2”
Too much water in the machine (pressure
sensor) or oat activated. If the water has not
been emptied within 60 seconds, the pro-
gram stops (drain pump activated).
Check: Drain pump (blocked hose), ow
meter, inlet valve, leaks and cables.
70.3 L3 ashes
70.4 “Thermistor fault”
70.5 Fault code “F3”
70.C Fault code ”F3
Stopped or >80 °C. Program continues with
the process. Only indicated in service menu.
Check:Thermistor and control unit.
70.3 L4 ashes
70.4 “Water inlet fault”
70.5 Fault code “F4”
70.C Fault code ”F4”
< 80 pulses within 60 seconds or correct
number of pulses not achieved within 255
seconds. Program stops.
Check:Water inlet, ow meter, inlet valve
and cables.
Leaking valve
70.1 L5 ashes
70.3 L5 ashes
70.4 “Leaking valve”
70.5 Fault code “F5”
70.C Fault code”F5”
Water intake detected when inlet valve deac-
tivated. Any current program stopped (drain
pump activated).
Check: Leak through inlet valve and ow
Pressure sensor fault (DW70.1 no
70.3 L6 ashes
70.4 “Pressure sensor fault”
70.5 Fault code “F6”
70.C Fault code”F6”
Output signal > 4.8 V. The program contin-
ues. Only indicated in service menu.
Check: Pressure sensor, control unit and
70.3 L1 and L2 ash
70.4 “Drain error”
70.5 Fault code “F7”
70.C Fault code ”F7”
Water not drained after 120 seconds drain-
ing. Program stops.
Check: Drain pump, hoses, drain hose t-
tings, control unit and cables. Also check
whether lter is blocked.