5 Turn the pump wheel located behind the drain pump stop by hand.
Carefully remove any items.
6 Replace the drain pump stop along with the fine and coarse filters.
7 Plug the machine in again.
If the dishwasher still does not start and a whirring sound is heard,
the overflow protection has been triggered.
• Shut off the water.
• Unplug the unit from the power outlet.
• Call the Customer Care Center.
Do not forget to replace the drain pump stop.
Winter storage
If the dishwasher is to be stored outdoors where the temperature can
fall below freezing, do as follows:
1 Look under the cabinet adjacent to the dishwasher for a white,
plastic type hose leading away from the dishwasher. This hose is
the dishwasher PEX fill hose. Follow this hose away from the
dishwasher to where it connects to a shut-off valve. Turn this shut-off
valve completely off.
2 Open the dishwasher door, choose any program, press Start/Stop,
and close the dishwasher door. You will hear the drain pump come
on to begin the cycle. Once you hear the drain pump stop, open
the door and cancel the cycle by holding the Start/Stop button for
three to five seconds.
3 Turn the dishwasher off with the main power switch.
4 Go back under the cabinet to the shut-off valve for the dishwasher.
Lay an old towel under the shut-off valve and dishwasher fill line.
The towel will soak up any water that comes out of the hose or valve.
5 Disconnect the dishwasher fill line from the shut-off valve using a
11/16" (17 mm) wrench or an adjustable wrench.
6 When you no longer see water dripping from the fill line or shut-off
valve, remove the towel.
7 Remove the dishwasher power cord from the receptacle.