Fitzsimmons Walk
Homeowner Manual
The Guide To Living In Your New Home
This Manual is for the sole use of owners of homes in the Fitzsimmons Walk. Reproduction in whole or in part
without the express written consent of the Developer is expressly prohibited. This Manual is not intended to
provide a necessarily accurate summary of Fitzsimmons Walk or any of the documents related thereto, nor
does it purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information which owners may need or desire. Neither
the Developer nor any of their respective officers, agents or principals has made or will make any
representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Manual, and no
legal commitment or obligation shall arise by reason of the Manual or the contents. We believe the contents of
this Manual are accurate and up to date at the time of printing. This Manual was printed in March 2009. The
Developer reserves the right to make changes to this Manual without notice. The Developer also reserves the
right to make modifications or substitutions to material used, as long as the substitute product is of equal
quality to the original specification. E and OE