In harmony
ASKO factories have always had nature on their doorstep.
Therefore, it is natural for us to preserve and protect our
environment. We continuously strive to nd the most environmentally friendly solutions and
economical use of resources in the manufacturing of our products. By caring for the
environment, we work to minimize the environmental impact of all our activities and products.
Our dishwashers are among the most water and energy efcient on the market. In 2007,
we were proud to introduce the world’s rst Swan labeled dishwasher. The Swan label is the
most well known Nordic Ecolabel for health and environmentally friendly products, and a
Swan label certies that the products meet very strict and tough demands for quality and
the environment. All ASKO dishwashers are rated by Energy Star
, an organization that
helps consumers choose energy-efcient and environmentally friendly products.
ASKO factories also have environmental certication in accordance with ISO 14001:2004
which means that everything is done in the most environmentally friendly way possible. As
an example, all components in our appliances that weigh more than 25 grams are labeled for
811038-1 • ASKO • P8110381_04
USA Dishwasher brochure 1108
811038-1 • ASKO • P8110381_05
USA Dishwasher brochure 1108