TMA; Reviewed:
SPOC 6/19/2008
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2008 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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4.6. Configure QoS Polices
Description: Delete QOSRULES 3 and 4
The Ascom wireless i75 VoWiFi Handset requires the Meru Networks MC500 controller to
rewrite the IP TOS (Type of Service or DSCP Differential Services Code Point) bits. Therefore,
the default QoS rules for SIP on the Meru Networks MC500 controller need to be rebuilt (the
Meru Networks MC500 does not allow the default rules to be modified).
MC500(config)# no qosrule 3
MC500(config)# no qosrule 4
MC500(config-qosrule)# qosrule 3 netprotocol 17 qosprotocol sip
MC500(config-qosrule)# dstport 5060
MC500(config-qosrule)# dscp ef
MC500(config-qosrule)# action capture
MC500(config-qosrule)# exit
MC500(config-qosrule)# qosrule 4 netprotocol 17 qosprotocol sip
MC500(config-qosrule)# srcport 5060
MC500(config-qosrule)# dscp ef
MC500(config-qosrule)# action capture
MC500(config-qosrule)# exit
4.7. Save Configuration
Description: Save Configuration
1. Save the newly configured information to the Meru Networks MC500 controller and reload it.
MC500# copy running-config startup-config
MC500# reload all
5. Configure the Ascom wireless i75 VoWiFi Handset
The following steps detail the configuration process for the Ascom wireless i75 VoWiFi Handset
using the Ascom wireless Portable Device Manger (PDM) Windows-based application. For