Section 1: Configuring Your Router and Your Wireless LAN Connection
January 2012 Page 11 of 92
4. Enter your old password.
5. Enter your new password twice.
Note: Passwords are case-sensitive. Valid characters are the numbers 0 to 9, the
letters a through z and A through Z, and printable special characters (such as $, !, ?,
&, #, @, and others.)
6. Click the Set button.
2.2.3 Changing the Default Wireless Network Name (SSID)
While still on the Basic Setup screen, perform the following steps to change your wireless
network name.
1. Enter a unique user friendly name to identify your wireless network in the Wireless
Network Name (SSID) field.
Note: This name is also referred to as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). The name can
be up to 32 characters long.
2. Set the Broadcast Network Name (SSID) option.
Note: – Checking this checkbox allows the SSID to be broadcast by the router. If
enabled, your SSID could be obtained allowing unauthorized access to your network.
If you would like others not to see your access point, uncheck the checkbox to hide
the SSID.
3. Click the Apply button at the bottom of the screen.
2.2.4 Selecting the Operating Channel
While still on the Basic Setup screen, perform the following steps to select a communications
channel for your router.
1. Select AUTO or a specific channel number from the Channel drop-down list.
Note: The default setting is “Auto”, in which the router selects a channel with the
least amount of interference to use. If you set a specific channel, for best
performance it’s best to choose channel 1, 6, or 11, since these channels do not
overlap. If another unit is operating in the area, choose a channel that is farthest
away from the channel that unit uses. For example, if one is using channel 11, set
yours to channel 1. If you experience interference or poor performance on a
particular channel, try a different channel.