073-1246 Rev. B 9
© 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Diagnostic LEDs
Important: The quad-
core and 8-core processor
boards include a set of
diagnostic memory LEDs.
After re-installing or
replacing a DIMM, always
use the LEDs to verify the
DIMM is correctly seated.
To verify your DIMM
installation, do this:
Start up the 1
Remove the side 2
access panel.
Check the bank of 3
memory LEDs.
An illuminated, red
LED indicates its
associated DIMM may
be poorly seated or
If you see a red 4
LED, refer to “How
to Troubleshoot
Memory LEDs” on the
next page.
Note: Apple System
Proler does not report
unseated or failed
memory. You must use the
memory LEDs to locate
DIMM issues.
Quad-Core LEDs
8-Core LEDs