How much electricity does my Apple use?
Your Apple IIe system, complete with monitor, uses less electricity than a 100-watt light bulb.
Should I turn off my Apple after using it?
If you're going to be away for more than an hour or two, it's a good idea to turn off your
computer, just so you don't waste electricity. If you're just taking a stretch or grabbing a
drink, leave your Apple on (but save what you're working on before you get up).
Do I need a power surge protector to make sure my computer doesn't blow up?
First of all, computer blow-ups and smoke-outs are things of the past. Today, about the most
dramatic result of a power surge or electrical storm is lost data. Even losing data is
extremely rare, however, since your computer has a built-in mechanism to guard against changes
in electrical power. The only people who may want to invest in a protector are those who are
extremely cautious and those who live in areas that are particularly prone to electrical
storms, hurricanes, and electrical failures.
Do I need to touch type to use a computer?
No, you don't need to know how to touch type. Lots of people who use the hunt and peck method
(that is, they hunt for each key as they need it) do just fine. In fact, hunt and peckers
report greatly increased typing speeds after a few days with a computer. If you want to learn
to touch type, you may want to buy a typing program. These programs give you typing
instructions right on the screen.
What's K and how much do I need?
To understand what a K or kilobyte is, you first need to know what a byte is. A byte is the
space one letter or digit takes up in the computer's memory. A kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes.
That means that a computer with 64K, like the Apple IIe, can store a little more than 64,000
characters in its memory. The more kilobytes your computer has, the more information it can
store and the larger the programs it can run. 64K is enough memory for most home and business
Is it bad for your eyes to look at the screen for too long?
We don't know of any studies that have found that staring at a monitor is harmful to your eyes.
Some people do, however, report getting headaches or eye strain after lengthy tete-a-tetes with
their computer. Current thinking is that these symptoms are caused by sitting in the same
position for long periods rather than from the way information is displayed. In any event,
it's a good idea to get up and stretch, just to give your eyes a rest and your body a chance to
get moving.
How do I use (get to) the extra memory in my Apple IIe that I get by adding an extended memory
You don't have to do anything. Software programs that need 128K use the memory automatically.
How can I get in touch with an Apple Users Group? What are the meetings like?
Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
International Apple Core 908 George Street Dept. UG Santa Clara CA 95050
They will send you a list of user groups in your state. Meetings are informal gatherings of
Apple owners like yourself. At a meeting you can expect to get assistance setting up your