installation error or missing ground. Problems may be caused through missing
ground, especially in boats and motor homes with fiber glass body. For these cases,
Albrecht offers a special connecting cable with matching box as “artificial ground”
(AKM 27)
Some antennas, like “Gamma II” are broadbanded and do not need any
retuning during installations.
Even if your AE 5090 has a particularly robust transmitter high-
level stage which can even withstand mismatching of SWR=3, you
should still never transmit without an antenna!
Before switching on
• Turn SQUELCH and ASC control left (counterclockwise) as far as possible
Switching on and adjusting volume
The on/off switch is combined in the VOLUME control. To switch on:
• Turn VOLUME control (the inner knob) from OFF position slightly clockwise.
LC display and buttons are illuminated. Then turn further until desired volume is
Selecting the operating channel
On the radio set:
• With the rotary channel knob You can continuously select channels. The present
channel is displayed.
On the microphone:
• Press the ∧ or ∨ button on the microphone briefly, to switch up or down a channel.
• Press the respective button longer to run up or down through the channels. The
present channel is displayed.
Field intensity meter (S-meter)
On the bar graph display You can see approximately how strong the receiving signal
The scale under the bar display (S1 to +30) helps with orientation for an input signal
in the stages S1 to S9+30dB.
Please note: the field intensity meter only registers a signal when the muting control
has opened.
RF Gain setting
You can adjust the overall-sensitivity of Your receiver with the RF gain knob, which
is combined with the volume knob (outer ring). Normally, RF gain should be in the
full clockwise position. Sometime You may desire to listen only to nearby stations. Or
You may receive much interference signals. In such cases You can reduce the
sensitivity of Your receiver by turning the knob more counter clockwise.