Your car is equipped with many
features that work together to
protect you and your passengers
during a crash.
Some safety features do not require
include a strong steel framework
that forms a safety cage around the
passenger compartment; front and
rear crush zones that are designed to
crumple and absorb energy during a
crash; and a collapsible steering
These safety features are designed
to reduce the severity of injuries in a
crash. However, you and your
passengers can’t take full advantage
of these safety features unless you
remain sitting in a proper position
In fact, some safety
features can contribute to injuries if
they are not used properly.
Driver and Passenger Safety
Your Car’s Safety Features
always wear your seat belts
((11)) SSaaffeettyy CCaaggee
((22)) CCrruusshh ZZoonneess
((33)) SSeeaattss && SSeeaatt--BBaacckkss
((44)) HHeeaadd RReessttrraaiinnttss
((55)) CCoollllaappssiibbllee SStteeeerriinngg CCoolluummnn
((66)) SSeeaatt BBeellttss
((77)) FFrroonntt AAiirrbbaaggss
((88)) DDoooorr LLoocckkss
((99)) SSiiddee AAiirrbbaaggss