Getting Started
Getting Online Help
Online Help is available at any time from the Help menu. You can
also press F1 or select Help in a dialog box to display Online Help
specific to where you are on-screen.
Accessing Adaptec Disk Array Administrator
You can access Adaptec Disk Array Administrator using the
RS-232 serial port on the DuraStor 6200S RAID appliance. Use the
port associated with the controller you wish to access. Refer to the
DuraStor Installation and User’s Guide for more information.
You must connect a computer with terminal emulator software,
such as HyperTerminal, to the serial port. You must use a straight-
through serial cable. You cannot use a null modem cable.
Note: If you are using HyperTerminal as your terminal
emulator software, you must be using HyperTerminal
Private Edition (HTPE) 6.3 for the up and down arrow
↑ or ↓) keys to work.
If you are not using HTPE 6.3, you can download it for free
at www.hilgraeve.com/htpe/index.html.
Configure the RS-232 port in your terminal emulator software
using the settings in Table 1-1.
Set the communications parameters for the terminal emulator
software as shown in Table 1-2.
Table 1-1 RS-232 Port Configuration Settings
Setting Value
Terminal Emulation VT-100 or ANSI (for color support)
Font Terminal
Translations None
Columns 80