ZyWALL USG 1000 User’s Guide
and content filtering 463
and firewall 287
and policy routes 230, 392, 394, 396, 398
configuration overview 122
user names
rules 508
user portal
See SSL user screens. 331, 334
user portal links 567
user portal logo 328
user sessions. See sessions.
user SSL screens 331, 334
access methods 331
bookmarks 335
certificates 332
login 332
logout 335
required information 332
system requirements 331
users 503
access. See also access users.
Admin (type) 503
admin. See also admin users.
and AAA servers 504
and authentication methods 504
and content filtering 463
and firewall 287
and LDAP 504
and policy routes 230, 392, 394, 396, 398
and RADIUS 504
and remote management 588
and shell scripts 505
attributes for Ext-User 504
attributes for LDAP 504
attributes for RADIUS 505
attributes in AAA servers 504
configuration overview 122
currently logged in 158, 163
default lease time 510
default reauthentication time 510
default type for Ext-User 504
Ext-User (type) 503, 504
groups. See user groups.
Guest (type) 503
lease time 507
Limited-Admin (type) 503
lockout 511
prerequisites (for force user authentication policies)
reauthentication time 507
types of 503
User (type) 503
user names 508
UTF-8 decode 458
Vantage CNM 610
virtual interfaces 179, 217
basic characteristics 180
not DHCP clients 181
types of 217
vs asymmetrical routes 283
vs triangle routes 283
Virtual Local Area Network. See VLAN.
Virtual Private Network. See VPN.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. See VRRP.
virtual servers 255
and address objects (HOST) 258
and ALG 268
and firewall 279
and interfaces 258
and to-ZyWALL firewall 256
and VoIP pass through 268
configuration overview 121
criteria 255
limitations 226
prerequisites 121
where to forward 255
virus 428
virus attack 403
virus life cycle 403
virus scan 404
VLAN 196
advantages 197
and MAC addresses 197
ID 197
VLAN interfaces 179, 198
and Ethernet interfaces 198
basic characteristics 180
virtual 217
VoIP pass through 266
and firewall 265, 268
and policy routes 268
and virtual servers 268
configuration overview 122
peer-to-peer calls 268
VoIP pass through. See also ALG. 265
VPN 291
active protocol 292
and NAT 311
basic troubleshooting 297
hub-and-spoke. See VPN concentrator.
IPSec 291
IPSec SA. See IPSec SA.
proposal 307
security associations (SA) 291
status 160
VPN concentrator 318