NBG420N User’s Guide
DNS server
see also Domain name system
DNS (Domain Name System) 212
DNS Server
For VPN Host 190
DNS server 135
Domain name 51
vs host name. see also system name
Domain Name System 135
duplex setting 42, 68
Dynamic DNS 147
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 133
Dynamic WEP Key Exchange 316
DynDNS Wildcard 147
EAP Authentication 315
e-mail 105
Encapsulating Security Payload. See ESP.
and active protocol 189
transport mode 188
tunnel mode 188
VPN 188
Encryption 317
encryption 91
and local (user) database 91
key 92
WPA compatible 92
encryption algorithms 185, 190
and active protocol 185
ESP 188
and transport mode 189
ESS 310
Extended Service Set 310
Extended wireless security 54
Factory LAN defaults 127
FCC interference statement 325
feature specifications 275
File Transfer Program 201
Firewall 153
Firewall overview
guidelines 154
ICMP packets 156
network security
Stateful inspection 153
ZyXEL device firewall 153
Firmware upload 251
file extension
using HTTP
firmware version 40, 67
Fragmentation Threshold 312
FTP 33, 212
FTP. see also File Transfer Program 201
gateway 196
General wireless LAN screen 94
Hidden Node 311
HTTP 201
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 201
IANA 292
IBSS 309
IEEE 802.11g 313
IGMP 117, 128
see also Internet Group Multicast Protocol
IGMP version 117, 128
aggressive mode 166, 187
authentication algorithms 185, 190
Diffie-Hellman key group 185
encryption algorithms 185, 190
ID content 186
ID type 186
IP address, remote IPSec router 167
IP address, ZyXEL Device 166
local identity 186
main mode 166, 187
NAT traversal 188
negotiation mode 166
peer identity 186
pre-shared key 186
proposal 185