P-660HN Series Support Notes
All contents copyright © 2010 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
The packet filter function on P-660HN-T1A is the same as before, just that you
could only configure the filter set and apply them by command in CLI. It‟s very
complex for common users to do it. So here‟s the recommendation:
(1) Usually if you want to block special packets, you could edit a firewall rule in
Web Configurator.
(2) By factory default, ZyXEL has preconfigured many filter sets for your
reference, you can check them by command:
sys filter set index [set#] [rule#]
Usage: set#: 1~12; rule#: 1~6. Commonly the preconfigured filter sets are as
follows: <set 2, rule 1~6>, <set 3, rule 1>, <set 4, rule 1>.
sys filter set display
For example:
This could satisfy mostly requirement. You could select any of them to apply to
the WAN node or LAN Interface on demand. The command is as follows:
Apply to WAN node:
wan node index <node#>
Usage: node#= 1~8, corresponding to the remote node 1~8
wan node filter <incoming|outgoing> <tcpip|generic> <set1#> <set2#>
<set3#> <set4#>
Usage: You can apply at most four filter sets to one remote node.
wan node save