P-660HN Series Support Notes
All contents copyright © 2010 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
just like the scheduler ina video recorder which records the program according
to the specified time. Users can apply at most 4 schedule sets in Remote Node.
The remote node configured with the schedule set could be "Forced On",
"Forced Down", "Enable Dial-On-Demand", or "Disable Dial-On-Demand" on
specified date and time.
How to configure a Call Scheduling?
You can configure a call scheduling in CLI
Suppose we want to edit a call schedule set like this:
Call Schedule Set #=1
Set name=Test
Active= Yes
Start Date(yyyy-mm-dd)= 2005 - 12 - 27
How Often= Once
Date(yyyy-mm-dd)= 2005 -12 -27
Start Time(hh:mm)= 12 : 00
Duration(hh:mm)= 16 : 00
Action= Enable Dial-on-demand
This schedule example permits a demand call on the line on 12:00 a.m.,
2005-12-27. The maximum length of time this connection is allowed is 16
To implement this, we need to invoke the following command one by one:
wan callsch index 1
(Set call schedule index #= 1. You must apply this command first before you
begin to configure call schedule)
wan callsch name Test
(Set the schedule name as Test)
wan callsch active Yes
(Enable schedule)
wan callsch startdate 2005 12 27
(Set schedule start date as 2005-12-27)
wan callsch oncedate 2005 12 27
(Set the schedule used just once, it works on 2005-12-27)
wan callsch starttime 12 00
(Set the schedule start time as 12:00)
wan callsch duration 16 00