Vodafone Mobile Broadband for Mac ReadMe
Vodafone Global Product Support
Document Version: 1.0
Firmware updates cannot be performed on Apple Macintosh computers, only on
computers running Microsoft Windows
Contact Support if you feel a firmware update is necessary.
How to check which firmware is installed
1) Start Vodafone Mobile Broadband
2) In the Vodafone Mobile Broadband software menu, select ‘Help’ and then
3) Open the tab ‘Device’
4) The firmware version is listed as ‘Revision number’.
Mac Hardware Revisions
There are often adjustments to the hardware of a Mac model before it is replaced by a
completely new model. Some hardware revisions may have particular problems with
mobile devices.
How to the check hardware revision of your Mac
1) Open the ‘About This Mac’ window from under the Apple icon in the top left-hand
corner of your screen
2) Click on ‘More info’ button
3) The HW revision is the second line in the first window, which is shown by default.
For example, a Revision 1 MacBook Pro is shown as ‘MacBookPro1,1’; a Revision 2
MacBook Pro as ‘MacBookPro2,1’. The first number in each case is the hardware revision.