and then click Print Test Page. This will verify a valid connection with your printer.
Step Five: If you want, you can now move your printer and the Wireless USB Print Server to a
different location to use the wireless capabilities. Disconnect the USB cable, the Ethernet cable,
and the power adapters of the Wireless USB Print Server and your printer. When you have the
print server and the printer located where you want them, use the USB cable to connect the print
server to the printer and plug in both power adapters. The print server should now establish a
wireless connection to your wireless router or access point. Repeat the Print Test Page instruc-
tions at the end of Step 4. If you are able to print, your wireless connection is working correctly. If
you are not able to print the test page, there is a problem with your wireless connection. Refer to
the Troubleshooting section in this guide.
Step Six: To allow other computers on your network to print to the Wireless USB Print Server,
you must perform the client computer installation procedure on each computer. Insert the
U.S. Robotics Installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. You may need the Installation CD-
ROM that came with your printer.
Note: If your CD-ROM does not automatically launch, click Windows Start, Run, type
D:\autorun (if your CD-ROM drive uses a different letter, type that letter in place of “D”),
and click OK.
Click Additional Installs and then click Next. Click User and then follow the on-screen instruc-
tions to install the Print Server software. You will then be prompted to install the PTP driver.
Follow the on-screen instructions. When prompted, select the printer port and click Next. If the
printer appears in the Existing Printers list, select it and click Connect. Then click Close to exit the
Printer Port Setup. If the printer doesn’t appear, click Add New Printer and follow the on-screen
instructions. After installing the printer, you should now see it in the Existing Printers list. Select
the printer, click Connect, and then click Close to exit the Printer Port Setup. For more informa-
tion, refer to the Client PC Printer Setup section in the User Guide on the Installation CD-ROM.
Repeat this step on each computer.