1 1186329 Flange Bolt, 5/16–18 x 3/4........................... 1
2 1185403 Retainer, 3/8................................................ 1
3 1757843 Knob............................................................ 1
4 1107383 Flat Washer, 3/8........................................... 7
5 1737499 Grip.............................................................. 1
6 1185984 Flange Nut, 3/8–16 ...................................... 1
7 1177625 Roll Pin, 1/8 x 3/4........................................ 5
9 1714782 Swivel Block ................................................ 2
10 1186391 Flange Nut, 5/16–18 .................................... 7
11 1754424 Crank Support ............................................. 1
12 1756141 Chute Control Shaft ..................................... 1
13 1735869 Gear Support............................................... 1
14 1100044 Hex Head Cap Screw, 5/16–18 x 3/4 ........... 6
15 1724870 Worm Gear.................................................. 1
16 1724885 Drive Pin, 3/32 x 3/4.................................... 1
17 1100255 Flat Washer, 5/16......................................... 3
18 1774145 Collector Housing Assembly
(Incl. Ref. 19) (A)...................................... 1
1917463 Collector Housing Assembly
(Incl. Ref. 19) (B).................................... 1
19 1750691 Warning Decal............................................. 1
20 1734398 Lock Nut, 1/4–20......................................... 6
21 1186126 Carriage Bolt, 3/8–16 x 3/4.......................... 4
22 1757836 Chute Control Crank .................................... 1
23 1745799001 Impeller Fan................................................. 1
24 1200033 HyPro Key, 3/16 x 3/4.................................. 1
25 1185348 Roll Pin, 1/4 x 1-1/4..................................... 2
26 1185803 Grease Fitting............................................... 4
27 1735625 Shear Bolt Kit (Incl. one ea. shear bolt and
Ref. 58 lock nut)...................................... 1
28 1918439001 26" Auger, R.H. (A)...................................... 1
1918443001 30" Auger, R.H. (B)...................................... 1
29 1185816 Special Washer, 1-1/64 ............................... 6
30 1100068 Hex Head Cap Screw, 3/8–16 x 3/4 ............. 2
31 1918438001 26" Auger, L.H. (A)....................................... 1
1918442001 30" Auger, L.H. (B)....................................... 1
32 1186098 Carriage Bolt, 5/16–18 x 3/4........................ 2
33 1758136001 Scraper Blade (A) ........................................ 1
1916971001 Scraper Blade (B) ........................................ 1
34 1728567010 Skid Shoe .................................................... 2
35 1733398 Lock Nut, 3/8–16......................................... 6
36 1111599 Hex Head Cap Screw, 1/4–20 x 5/8 ............. 6
37 1100053 Hex Head Cap Screw, 1/2–13 x 3/4 ............. 2
38 1100245 Lock Washer, 1/2......................................... 2
39 1100257 Flat Washer, 1/2........................................... 2
40 1185846 Flange Bearing............................................. 2
41 1720922 Bearing Support........................................... 2
42 1185798 Flange Bolt, 3/8–16 x 1/2............................. 2
43 1772310 V-Belt (A)..................................................... 1
1772310 V-Belt (B)..................................................... 2
44 1725282 Auger Sheave (A) ........................................ 1
1917403 Auger Sheave (B)......................................... 1
45 1186097 Carriage Bolt, 5/16–18 x 5/8........................ 7
46 1741640 Ball Bearing ................................................. 1
47 1772333 Lock Nut, #10–24......................................... 11
48 1103959 Flat Washer, #10.......................................... 6
49 1724869 Hold-Down Clip ........................................... 3
50 1752461 Sems Screw, #10–24 x 7/8.......................... 6
51 1757840010 Chute Control Support................................. 1
52 1757824 Chute Crank Rod.......................................... 1
53 1750692 Warning Decal............................................. 1
54 1723643001 Adjusting Lever............................................ 1
56 1185147 Cotter Pin, 3/32 x 1/2................................... 4
57 1737940 Truss-Head Bolt, #10–24 x 3/8.................... 5
58 1732499 Lock Nut, 5/16–18.......................................... 11
59 1185838 Flange Bearing............................................. 2
60 1737419 Set Screw, 5/16–18 x 3/4 ............................ 2
61 1752460 Shim............................................................ 4
62 1714243 Nylon Bushing............................................. 2
63 1737957 Nylon Washer.............................................. 2
64 1754572001 Housing Support ......................................... 1
65 1753357 Sleeve.......................................................... 1
66 1771718010 Discharge Chute Assembly.......................... 1
67 1759140 Discharge Cap (Incl. Ref. 53)....................... 1
68 1750969 Button Plug.................................................. 2
69 1758058 Spun Silver Inlay.......................................... 1
70 1890945 Flat Washer, 3/8........................................... 1
71 1918881 Housing Logo Decal .................................... 1
72 1739793 Gear Case Assembly (A).............................. 1
1916969 Gear Case Assembly (B).............................. 1
73 10771 *Drift Slicer (complete kit)........................... 1
74 1918899 Auger Width Decal (A)................................. 1
1918900 Auger Width Decal (B)................................. 1
76 1771274 Chute Deflector............................................ 1
106 97092 Loctite #242, .02 oz...................................... N/I
Ref. # Part # Description Qty.
Ref. # Part # Description Qty.
Models 42051 & 42052
Parts List
(A) For Model 42051
(B) For Model 42052
* Drift Slicers are an optional item for Model 42051.
N/I - Item not included with unit. Order separately.
A/R - As Required