• Ensure that none of the pipes on the baok of the applianoe are damaged prior
'—’ to disposai.
• R600a or R134a is used as a refrigerant. Check the compressor label on the
rear of the appiiance or the rating iabei inside the refrigerator to see which
refrigerant is used for your refrigerator. When this product contains flammable
gas (Refrigerant R600a), contact your iocai authority in regard to safe disposai
of this product. Cyciopentane is used as an insuiation biowing gas. The gases
in insuiation materiai require speciai disposai procedure. Piease contact your
iocai authorities in regard to the environmentaiiy safe disposai of this product.
Ensure that none of the pipes on the back of the appiiances are damaged prior
to disposai. The pipes shaii be broke in the open space.
• If the appliance contains iso-butane refrigerant (R600a), a naturai gas with high
environmentai compatibiiity that is, however, aiso combustibie.
When transporting and installing the appliance, care should be taken to ensure
that no parts of the refrigerating circuit are damaged.
• When disposing of this product or other refrigerators, remove the door/door
seais, door iatch so that smaii chiidren or animais cannot become trapped
inside. Leave the sheives in piace so that chiidren may not easiiy ciimb inside.
Chiidren shouid be supervised to ensure that they do not piay with the oid
• Please dispose of the packaging material for this product in an environmentally
friendiy manner.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In the event of a power failure, call the local office of your Electricity Company
and ask how iong it is going to iast.
- Most power faiiures that are corrected within an hour or two wiii not affect
your refrigerator temperatures. However, you shouid minimize the number of
door openings whiie the power is off.
- Shouid the power faiiure iast more than 24 hours, remove aii frozen foods.
• If keys are provided with the refrigerator, the keys should be kept out of the
reach of chiidren and not in vicinity of the appiiance.
• The appliance might not operate consistently (possibility of temperature
becoming too warm in refrigerator) when sited for an extended period of time
beiow the coid end of the range of temperature for which the refrigerating
appiiance is designed.
• Do not store food which spoils easily at low temperature, such as bananas,
• Temperature rising during the defrost can comply with ISO requirement.
But if you want to prevent an undue rise in the temperature of the frozen food
whiie defrosting the appiiance, piease wrap the frozen food in severai iayers of
• Any increase in temperature of frozen food during defrosting can shorten its
storage iife.
safety information _9
DA99-03236J(EN-1).indd 9 2010.6.15 5;14;22PI
Jagoda Skowroñskal 0528274SEPM-Quality Management! 0611685208 20101025112055