44 English
Category Checkpoint Description
Washing status
You can check the current cycle and its
options, and the remaining cycle time.
Smart Control
The Smart Control status is shown for the
washing machine.
Self Check
Use this to check if the washing machine
operates normally.
Energy monitoring
Use this to monitor the energy
consumption status.
Select a cycle and necessary options, and
then select Start/Pause/ Cancel to start
an operation, to stop temporarily, or to
cancel the current operation.
My Favorite
Add frequently used cycles and options to
My Favorite for later use.
Cycle completed Noties you the current cycle is complete.
AddWash alarm (applicable
models only)
Noties you of the addition of a new load.
Remaining laundry
(applicable models only)
Noties you of any laundry left after a
cycle is complete.
WW90M645OPW_DC68-03863V-03_EN.indd 44 2018/3/28 16:03:23