English 61
According to Regulation (EU) No. 1061/2010
“ * “ Asterisk(s) means variant model and can be varied (0-9) or (A-Z).
Model Name WW10N64****
Capacity kg 10.0
Energy Efciency A+++
Annual energy consumption (It is based on 220
standard washing cycles for standard cotton course
at 60 °C and 40 °C at full and partial load, and the
consumption of off and left-on modes. Actual energy
consumption will depend on how the appliance is used.)
kWh/yr 142
Energy Consumption
The standard 60 °C cotton programme at full load kWh 0.72
The standard 60 °C cotton programme at partial load kWh 0.55
The standard 40 °C cotton programme at partial load kWh 0.55
Weighted power consumption of the off-mode. W 0.48
Weighted power consumption of the left-on mode. W 5.00
Annual water consumption (It is based on 220 standard
washing cycles for standard cotton course at 60 °C and
40 °C at full and partial load. Actual water consumption
will depend on how the appliance is used.)
L/yr 11000
Spin efciency class
Spin-drying efciency class on a scale from G (least efcient) to A (most
Maximun Spin Speed rpm 1400
Residual moisture % 44
COTTON 60 °C and COTTON 40 °C programs are the ‘standard cotton 60 °C program’ and the
‘standard cotton 40 °C program’. They are suitable to clean normally soiled cotton laundry and they are the
most efcient (concerning water and energy consumption) for this type of laundry. In these programs the actual
water temperature may differ from the declared temperature. Please run Calibration Mode after the installation
(refer to the Run Calibration (recommended) section on page <26>).
Program duration of the standard program
The standard 60 °C cotton programme at full load min 298
The standard 60 °C cotton programme at partial load min 288
The standard 40 °C cotton programme at partial load min 288
The duration of the left-on mode (Tl) min 3
Airborne acoustical noise emissions expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and rounded to the nearest integer during the
washing and spinning phases for the standard 60 °C cotton programme at full load;
Wash dB (A) re 1 pW 49
Spin dB (A) re 1 pW 73
Free Standing
Program duration may vary depending on the water supply conditions, and the load and
type of laundry.
WW10N645RBX_DC68-03974B_EN.indd 61 2018/5/15 9:35:03