English - 25
Using the Cycle Selector
Cycle Usage
For averagely or lightly soiled cottons, bed linen, table linen, underwear, towels,
shirts, etc.
For bedding or bedding covers, the recommended spin cycle speed is 800 rpm (for
a load of 2.0 kg or less).
6 kg-class models do not have a function for washing bedding.
For averagely or lightly soiled blouses, shirts, etc., made of polyester (diolen, trevira),
polyamide (perlon, nylon) or other similar blends.
15’ Quick Wash
For lightly soiled garments and less than 2.0 kg laundry that you require quickly.
It takes a minimum of about 15 minutes, but can vary from the indicated values
depending on the water pressure, water hardness, water inlet temperature, room
temperature, type and amount of washing and degree of soiling, utilized detergent
unbalanced load, fluctuation in the electricity supply and any extra options
CAUTION: There should be less than 20 g of detergent (for 2.0 kg load) or
detergent may remain on the clothes.
Baby Care
A high temperature wash and extra rinse cycles ensure that no detergent remains
to harm your baby's skin.
Daily Wash For everyday items such as underwear and shirts.
Stain Away
For stained clothing. The Stain Away cycle provides outstanding stain removal
performance of the utmost care, avoiding the need for the pre-treatment of stains.
For the best stain removal performance, we recommend using the hot temperature
option in this cycle, where the wash temperature is increased using the internal
heater for the overall cleaning of a wide variety of stains.
This cycle includes soaking actions to effectively remove stains from your laundry.
During the soaking action, the drum stops rotating for a while, and this stop
operation is not a malfunction.
Super Eco Wash
The low temperature Super Eco Wash cycle ensures that you achieve perfect wash
results while allowing for effective energy savings.
Outdoor Care
For water-proof items such as mountain clothing, skiwear, and sportswear.
Fabrics include functional technology finishes and fibres such as spandex, stretch,
and micro-fibre.
Only for machine-washable wool. A load should be less than 2.0 kg. (6 kg-class
model:1.5 kg)
The Wool cycle washes the laundry using a gentle cradling action. During the
wash cycle, the gentle cradling and soaking actions are continued to protect the
wool fibres from shrinkage/distortion and for a super gentle clean. This stop/start
operation by the washing machine during the soaking action is not a malfunction.
A neutral detergent is recommended for the Wool cycle, for improved washing
results and for improved care of the wool fibres.
Hand Wash A very light wash cycle as gentle as a hand wash.
Spin Performs an additional spin cycle to remove more water.
Rinse+Spin For a load that only needs rinsing or to add a rinse-added fabric softener to a load.
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