washing a load of laundry _29
02 Washing a load of laundry
Do not overload the washing machine or your laundry may not wash properly. Use the chart
below to determine the load capacity for the type of laundry you are washing.
Fabric Type Load Capacity
7.0 kg 6.0 kg
2.5 kg 2.5 kg
3.0 kg 3.0 kg
2.0 kg 2.0 kg
2.0 kg 2.0 kg
2.0 kg 1.5 kg
• Whenthelaundryisunbalanced(“UE” lights up on the display), redistribute the load.
If the laundry is unbalanced, the spin efficiency may be degraded.
• WhenwashingBeddingorDuvets,thewashtimemaybelengthenedorthespin
efficiency may be degraded.
• ForBeddingorDuvets,therecommendedloadcapacityis1.8(kg)orless.
Make sure to insert brassieres (water washable) into a laundry net (to be
purchased additionally).
• Themetalpartsofthebrassieresmaybreakthroughthematerial
and damage the laundry. Therefore make sure to place them inside
a fine laundry net.
• Small,lightclothingsuchassocks,gloves,stockingsand
handkerchiefs may become caught around the door. Place them
inside a fine laundry net.
Do not wash the laundry net by itself without other laundry. This may
cause abnormal vibrations that could move the washing machine
and cause an accident resulting in injury.
WF1602WE-03052F_EN.indd 29 2012-2-1 14:20:25