English - 38
cleaning and maintaining your
washing machine
1. Unplug the washing machine.
2. Pour warm water over the tap to loosen the water supply hose.
3. Remove the water supply hose and soak it in warm water.
4. Pourwarmwaterintothewashingmachinedrumandletitsitfor10minutes.
5. Reconnect the water supply hose to the water tap and check if the water supply and drain
are operating normal.
Washing machines can be damaged if water is left in the hoses and internal components before storage.
1. Select the Cottoncycleandaddbleachtothebleachcompartment.Then,pushtheQuick
Wash button and run your washing machine through the cycle without a load.
2. Turn the water taps off and disconnect the inlet hoses.
3. Unplugyourwashingmachinefromtheelectricaloutlet,andleaveyourwashingmachine
door open to allow air to circulate inside the tumbler.
leftover water in your washing machine to thaw out before using it.
WD0804W8N-02927R-05_EN.indd 38 2015/11/4 13:30:43