washing a load of laundry _29
Refer to the label of drying capacity and be sure to put in the clothes to the lower level than the marked line
1. Openthedoor,putintheclothesandclosethedooragain.
2. Press the Power button and then press the Drying button.
: The standard course will be selected automatically.
3. Select Drying button as follows.
Drying Programs
• Everypressofthisbuttonwillselectdryingtyperepeatedlyinthefollowingorder:
Cup Board → Low Temp → Iron → Time Dry (30min.→1:00h→ 1:30h
→ 2:00h→ 2:30h→ 3:00h→ 3:30h→ 4:00h→ 4:30h)→ Cup Board
DryingType Information MaxLoad Time
Cupboard( )
Standard:Driesthelaundry. 3.5kg 160min.
LowTemp.( )
temperature to protect the texture
of the laundry.
2.0kg 160min.
Iron( )
For leaving items partially damp so
that it can be easily ironed
2.0kg 30min.
TimeDrying( )
You can select the appropriate
drying time depending on the
texture, quantity, and moisture.
4.0kg 270min.
• ForAutoDryingprograms,thismachineautomaticallydisplaysDryingTimebysensing
the weight of clothes before drying, and adjusting appropriately.
• Forlaundryweighinglessthan3.0kg,usetheAutoDry.Forlaundrythatweighs
• Ifboththespinanddryingcyclesareselected,thespinspeedisautomaticallyselected
to enhance the drying efficiency.
• Whenusingthedryingcycle,checkifthewatersupplyvalveisopened.
• WhenyouselecttheDryingcourse,thedryingcycletimethatappearsonthedisplay
4. Put suitable amount of detergent and fiber softener in the detergent tray and close it again.
5. Press Start/Pause button.
• Theselectedcoursecan’tbealteredafterthestartofdrying.
• Ifcoldwaterisnotsupplied,dryingwillnotbeperformed.
※ Australianenergytestingwasundertakenusinga4kgload,Dryingcourse+Intensiveprogram.
WD0754W8E-02927D-01_EN(XSA).indd 29 2011-9-19 15:55:43