Devices_ 60
History Summary
The Summary panel displays the status of the file storage task with a progress bar.
In the Summary panel, you can:
• view t
he status of the file storage task,
- number
of devices,
- number
of failed devices,
- number
of files, and
- date.
• stop the file stor
age task by clicking the button.
• pause or r
esume the file storage task by clicking the button.
• modify th
e file storage task by clicking the button.
File Managed Device List
You can see the details of the selected File Storage task in this list. You can choose to see only tasks that have
succeeded or tasks that have failed by filtering the list.
Understanding the column header:
• Result : Shows the result of firmware upgrading task (Success or Failed).
• Net
work Name : Shows the network name of the device.
• Model Name : Shows the model name of the device.
• Start Time : Shows the started time of the firmware upgrading task.
• F
inish Time : Shows the finished time of the firmware upgrading task.
• To
tal/Fail : Shows [total number of firmware upgrading task/number of failed firmware upgrading task].
• Details : Click the Details button,
a window with detailed device information pops up.
Detailed information includes:
- Status : : Success or Failed
- Co
mmand Type
- File
- File
- File
- Details : If a job has failed, you can see the detailed reason in here.
In the File managed device list panel, you can:
• view d
etails of the task.
• view t
he failure reason if the task fails.
• retry t
he specific task.
Related settings
If you want to manage the font/form/macro files within SyncThru™ Admin 5 storage, go to Settings menu > Settings >
Device Management > Filestorage Files. You can add or delete the files and check detailed information for the files. In
addition, you can configure the file ID with Set File ID button.
Example of a practical File Storage usage
If your company has its own custom fonts, forms or macros, you can use them instead of default files by distributing your
files to devices.
Upload the files to a device (See "Add files to a device" on page 58).
and distribute the files to the devices (See "File Storage overview" on page 57).