parent access
When granted, indicates that users have access to entries below their own in the directory tree
if the bind DN is the parent of the targeted entry.
pass-through a uthentication
See PTA.
pass-through subt ree
In pass-through authentication, the PT A directory server will pass through bind requests to the
authenticating directory server from all clients whose DN is contained in this subtree.
password file
A file on Unix machines that stores Unix user login names, passwords, and user ID numbers. It
is also known as /etc/passwd because of where it is kept.
password policy
A set of rules that governs how passwords are used in a given directory.
Encoded messages which form the basis of data exchanges between SNMP devices. Also
protocol data unit.
In the context of access control, permission states whether access to the directory information
is granted or denied and the level of access that is granted or denied.
See Also access rights.
point er CoS
A pointer CoS identifies the template entry using the template DN only.
presence index
Allows searches for entries that contain a specific indexed attribute.
prot ocol
A set of rules that describes how devices on a network exchange information.
prot ocol dat a unit
See PDU.
proxy a uthentication
A special form of authentication where the user requesting access to the directory does not
bind with its own DN but with a proxy DN.
proxy DN
Used with proxied authorization. The proxy DN is the DN of an entry that has access
permissions to the target on which the client-application is attempting to perform an operation.