Thank You
Thank you for purchasing the Klipsch Image X10i headset. The X10i is a very
special headset, that with proper care, will last you for years to come. The X10i
combines decades of Klipsch audio knowledge with a revolutionary 3 button
music/phone control and Apple technology inside. The Klipsch team hopes you
enjoy your purchase. Let us know at www.klipsch.com/forums.
Important Safety Information
1) If you hear ringing or experience pain or discomfort in your ears during or
after using any in-ear audio product, that is a sign you are listening too loud.
When your ears are exposed to high volumes (in excess of 85dB) for over an
hour, you may be permanently damaging your hearing.
2) Turn down your listening device’s volume to zero before you insert the Klipsch
headphones and turn on the device. Once you have the headphones in,
gradually increase the volume to a comfortable, moderate volume.
Clean your headphones with an antiseptic wipe frequently to avoid wax buildup.
This improves the acoustic quality of your headphones.
4) NEVER operate a motor vehicle while listening to or wearing your
headphones. Not only dangerous, it is illegal in many places.
5) NEVER operate heavy machinery while listening to or wearing your headphones.
6) We don’t recommend you use the headphones while riding a bicycle, running,
or walking in heavy traffic areas. If you do, do not fully insert the headphones
into your ear and listen at a lower volume so you can hear ambient noise.
Listen Responsibly
The Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) has issued headphone
usage recommendations for maximum daily exposure and sound pressure
levels (measured in decibels (dB)). A decibel is a unit of measure of sound,
and decibels increase exponentially as sound gets louder. For example,
conversational speech is typically around 60dB, and a rock concert in a stadium
is often about 110dB.