22 Overview
"MGC Network Connections" (page 40)
"MG 1000B platform configuration overview" (page 44)
"MG 1000B platform without an MG 1000B Expander" (page 45)
"MG 1000B platform with an MG 1000B Expander" (page 46)
"Capacity" (page 47)
"Media Card DSP capacity" (page 47)
"Software requirements" (page 47)
"Main and Branch Office running the same release" (page 47)
"Main and Branch Office running different releases" (page 48)
"Package Combinations" (page 50)
"Supported applications" (page 50)
"Survivability" (page 50)
"Active Call Failover" (page 52)
"Configuring S2 IP Address to point to the main office TPS" (page 53)
What is Branch Office?
The Branch Office feature extends CS 1000 features from a main office to
one or more remote offices.
The Branch Office feature is implemented on a Media Gateway 1000B
(MG 1000B) platform. The MG 1000B platform includes an MG 1000B
Core connected to an IP PBX at the main office over a LAN or a WAN. This
configuration enables a secondary location to centralize the call processing
of its IP-based communication network. The Call Server at the main office
provides the call processing for the IP Phones in both the main office and
Branch Office locations. The MG 1000B Core provides call processing
functionality to local digital telephones and analog devices. The MG 1000B
Core also provides digital and analog trunk access to the local Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
The MG 1000B platform connects to the main office over Virtual Trunks on
a LAN/WAN. The main office transmits and controls IP Phone calls and
IP network connections. If the main office fails to function, or if there is
a network outage, the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) card in the MG
1000B Core provides service to the telephones located at the Branch Office
location. This enables the IP Phones to survive the outage between the
Branch Office and the main office.
Currently, MG 1000B Branch Office is small system based; which is still
supported in CS 1000 Release 5.0. In addition, changes are made to
allow large system based branch offices. Branch Office configurations
supported in CS 1000 Release 5.0, and are not changed with the CP PM
(Call Processor Pentium Mobile). Additionally, the CP PM adds the ability
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Branch Office Installation and Commissioning
NN43001-314 01.02 Standard
Release 5.0 20 June 2007
Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks