4 Index
Setup Wizard 4-1
single user account, configuring for 8-3
software, updating 9-9
Source field, TCP/IP Filter Rule menu 10-7
static route setup 8-5
subnet addressing B-5
subnet mask 3-8, 3-9, B-5
Syslog and Accounting menu 9-5
Syslog IP Address field, Syslog and Accounting menu
syslogd 9-5
System Maintenance menu 9-1, 9-3
TCP Estab field, TCP/IP Filter Rule menu 10-8
configuring 3-1
network, troubleshooting 11-5
TCP/IP Filter Rule menu 10-6
TCP/IP properties
verifying for Macintosh 3-6
verifying for Windows 3-4
TCP/IP Setup field, Ethernet Setup menu 5-4, 7-12
technical support xv
Telnet access 10-11
Telnet session, connecting to Manager interface 7-2
terminal baud rate 9-4
trace tools 9-4
troubleshooting 11-1
typographical conventions xvii
Uplink switch B-11
Value field, Generic Filter Rule menu 10-9
warranty 1-3, 1-5
Windows, configuring for IP routing 3-2
winipcfg utility 3-4
World Wide Web iii
XMODEM 9-8, 9-10