Chapter 3. Security Settings | 34
3. Security Settings
Keeping unwanted content out of your network
This chapter describes how to use the content filtering and reporting features of the N300
wireless modem router to protect your network.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Restricting Access by MAC Address on page 35
• Blocking Access to Internet Sites on page 37
• Firewall Rules on page 38
• Port Forwarding on page 41
• Port Triggering on page 43
• Blocking Access to Internet Services on page 44
• Scheduling Blocking on page 45
• Viewing Logs of Web Access or Attempted Web Access on page 46
• Configuring Email Alert and Web Access Log Notifications on page 47
• Setting the Time on page 49
Note: For information about restricting access to USB storage devices,
see Configuring USB Storage Advanced Settings on page 69.
Protecting Access to Your N300 Wireless Modem Router
For security reasons, the N300 wireless modem router has its own user name and password.
Also, after a period of inactivity for a set length of time, the administrator login automatically
disconnects. When prompted, enter admin for the user name and password for the
password. You can use procedures in the following sections to change the password and the
amount of time for the administrator’s login time-out.
Note: The user name and password are not the same as a user name or
password you might use to log in to your Internet connection.