Salt indicator.
When the salt reservoir is empty, the
k” indicator lamp will light, notif-
ying you that the reservoir should be re-
filled with reactivation salt.
Once filled, the dishwasher will automati-
cally reactivate the softener when
necessary. The “
k” indicator lamp
will light up whenever the reactivation
process is being performed.
If the water used is very soft (below 150
ppm (mg/l)), further softening is not re-
quired and the “
k” indicator
lamp will remain lit. It can be disre-
garded or bypassed using the follow-
ing procedure.
The “
k” button has also been de-
signed for future programme updates
(PC). See the “After Sales Service” sec-
tion for further details.
Bypassing the Salt indicator lamp.
In order to bypass the salt indicator
lamp, you will need a screwdriver and
needle nose pliers.
Remove ONLY the salt reservoir cap.
Looking into the salt reservoir, you will
see the top of the float chamber on the
right hand side
Using a screwdriver, carefully pivot
the float chamber towards the center
of the reservoir.
Using the needle nose pliers, first
pull the cap
c off of the float cham-
ber, then remove the float
Replace the float chamber cap,
push the chamber back into its up-
right position, and replace the salt
reservoir cap. The indicator lamp will
now remain off.
Water Softener