Sample Rate Selector
Using the Sample Rate Selector, Octane’s digital output can be set to 44.1kHz or 48kHz, using its own internal digital clock, or it can be
set to slave to the clock rate being received at the Word Clock Input.
The Lock LED will glow when Octane is set to Ext and has locked to an external sample clock.
NOTE: Some recording devices do not automatically lock to the incoming word clock signals on the digital input, even if the
device is set to lock to the word clock signal on the digital input. You must set those devices to the sample rate you are sending
them in order for them to lock correctly. Also note that not all hardware will indicate proper sample rate when slaved to an
external source, even though they may be clocked properly in the digital stream. It is good practice to set a consistent sample
rate across all digital gear before assigning Master and Slave devices, particularly with legacy gear.
Octane is a precision-designed device, and has been engineered and assembled to give you trouble-free operation. Nonetheless, if you
experience any problems, here are a few things to check:
Problem 1: Channel LEDs show no input level.
Solution 1:
< Make sure nothing is connected to the channel’s A/D Line Input.
< Make sure you have a valid input signal.
< Make sure you have sufficient level, and that the Pad feature is not enabled
< If you are using a condenser mic, make sure phantom power is activated for that channel.
< Check your input cable for damage.
Problem 2: Channel 1 and 2 LEDs show no input level.
Solution 2: Make sure nothing is connected to the channel’s Instrument Inputs.
Problem 3: No digital output, or noisy digital output.
Solution 3: Check the Sample Rate Selector to see if it matches the settings on your DAW or other digital recording device.