Quick Install Guide
14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201, Draper, UT 84020-1685 | luxul.com | 801-822-5450
LUX-QIG-XAP-1040 0323150424
With the base lifted to the right, System LEDs and the Reset button can be seen as
shown here:
Reset Button and LED Location
Status Indicators:
With the unit facing down and the base moved to the right as shown above, the
XAP-1040 has four LEDs, positioned horizontally on the bottom, left side of the
board. When viewed left to right, LEDs are as follows: 1) Bridge Mode (Green); 2)
WLAN Status (Blue); 3) LAN Link/Activity (Amber); and 4) Power (Green).
The following table describes the LED functionality:
Indicator Name Description
Bridge Mode
On Bridge is connected
Flashing Bridge Mode enabled but not connected
Off The AP is in default “Access Point” mode.
WLAN Status
On The wireless radio is active and wireless
access is enabled
Off The wireless radio is not active and wireless
access is disabled
LAN Link/Activity
On There is an active Ethernet connection
Flashing Indicates Ethernet activity
Off There is no active Ethernet connection
On The power is on
Off No power, check power connections
At startup, the Green Power LED will stay on while the amber LAN Link light
fl ashes. The blue LED will come on once the XAP-1040 wireless radio is active.