effect in the signal by using the controls of the outboard effect. The send (tip) of this connector comes directly from the pure class A discrete
input stage of the Para D.I., before the EQ, volume control, invert switch and output driver. Therefore it can be used as an immaculate, unbalanced
direct output. It will not be affected by any of the panel controls (with the exception of the gain control). Use a regular mono cable. The effects
loop interrupts the signal path. Therefore, it may also be used as an insert point for a compressor, volume pedal, or tuner if the tuner has a bypass
N. Gain control: See section 2: Setting the Gain.
O. Instrument input: When you plug in, the preamp turns on.
Note: If you plug or unplug your guitar with the power amp on, you will hear a loud "pop" from the speakers. Our proprietary "Soft Start" mute
circuit reduces this, but it is still wise to turn down the power amp when plugging and unplugging.
2 . S E T T I N G T H E G A I N
Setting the gain: For optimum performance it is important to set the gain correctly to accommodate the output of your pickup, mic or other
Gain is not volume. Gain is the amount of amplification that is applied to an input signal to boost it to a useful level. To accommodate a wide
range of pickups, active devices and such, the Para D.I. has adjustable gain. For instance, if you are using a low-output passive pickup such as the
Ribbon Transducer, and you fail to turn the gain all the way up, you will need to turn the PA up so loud to hear the pickup that there will be a
significant amount of hiss.
Conversely, if you plug a high-output active pickup into the Para D.I. and do not turn down the gain, you will hear a great deal of distortion.
The key is to adjust the gain to find a window between hiss and distortion. The Para D.I. is so quiet that this window is pretty wide, but there is a
smaller "sweet spot" within that window.
With your pickup or mic plugged into the Para D.I., and with the Para D.I. plugged into your PA or amp, play your instrument very hard. Turn the
gain trim up (clockwise) slowly while playing until you begin to hear some distortion, then back the gain off (counter-clockwise) until the
distortion just disappears. This setting will provide both the richest and cleanest sound. Once you have determined your preferred setting, we
recommend that you leave the gain control alone.
Do not use the gain control as a volume control. Using it in this manner will vary the character of your sound as you adjust it up and down.
Gain control settings: This chart shows the approximate recommended gain control setting when using L.R. Baggs pickups and systems.
However, only experimentation with this setting can guarantee ideal results.
* A standard guitar cable will attenuate our passive pickups by approximately 1dB per foot. The 12' cord used for this test already attenuates the
signal by 12dB, compared to an onboard preamp. If you use a shorter or longer cord, adjust the gain accordingly. Our active pickups will drive any
length of cord with no attenuation.
Ribbon Transducer
LB6 Series
Hex Pickups
X-Bridge (passive)
X-Bridge (Ctrl-X)
Ribbon Transducer System
Dual Source System
Double Barrel
Cord Length *
15' Y cable