Using FlexiSign with KIP
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Product Description
FlexiSIGN is a sign design and RIP product from SA Incorporated (www.saintl.biz). It is
primarily used by the graphics designers and production operators to design and RIP/Print
signs and posters. The FlexiSIGN product version 10.0.2 allows for RIP and printing of
supported files to the KIP Color 80 and KIP C7800 printer.
The FlexiSIGN Production Manager software can be configured to RIP file data and
place it in a Hot Folder that is monitored by the KIP Color 80 or KIP C7800 IPS (KIP Unattend
software). The file data is then printed by the KIP Unattend.
FlexiSIGN Features
True Adobe RIP
Pantone Color support (based on available color gamut)
RIP and Print
o Single original multiple copy
o Single original nest on single page
o Instant re-printing from Production Manager queue
Color Profile
o Create custom Output Profiles based on DPI and Media
o SO Diffusion dithering
Color Mapping – exchange/adjust color for Vector data (PS/EPS/PDF) or Raster
data (bitmap) or both.
System Requirements
KIP Color 80 and C7800 Requirements
Software Version: KIP Unattend 7.2.275 or higher
X-Rite Eye One Spectrophotometer
Flexi Software Version
Flexi Production Manager 10.0.2 build 1604 or higher
The location of the FlexiSign software installation can be completed in one of two
ways. The Flexi software can reside #1) on a workstation PC or #2) on the KIP Color 80 IPS.
When FlexiSIGN is installed on a workstation PC, the Hot Folder for transmitting the final file
data would reside on a Network server and the KIP Color 80 IPS would then monitor this
folder for Flexi jobs. When FlexiSIGN is installed on the KIP Color 80 IPS, the Hot Folder can
reside on the C: drive of the KIP Color 80 IPS.