Using FlexiSign with KIP
B. Right click on the Printer Setup and choose COLOR PROFILER.
C. Choose CREATE ICC OUTPUT PROFILE to create a profile for a specific media and dither
D. In the Profile Setup choose DEVICE: KIP Color 80, choose the MEDIA and select the media
name you have configured at the KIP Color 80 IPS. It will be necessary to use the XRite Eye
One Spectrophotometer to complete these steps as per the Flexi documentation.
Note: the MEDIA list is dependent on the KIPUNATTEND.DAT as set in the previous steps. If
your media name is not in this list, then it is necessary to shut down the Flexi software, copy
the KIPUNATTEND.DAT from the KIP Color 80 IPS to the Flexi software location and then re-start
the Flexi software.
Choose RESOLUTION: 600x600
Choose DITHER: Angled Screen (this provides the best setting at this time)
Edit the Screen Pattern to ROUND and configure the Angles and LPI as shown.