bizhub PRO C1060L
bizhub PRESS C1070/C1070P/C1060
7.5 Weight for each size and copying speed
The product specifications are subject to a change without notice.
)Weight for each size
The paper weight (g/m
/ lb Bond) or ream weight (kg) unit is used to indicate the paper thickness, which varies
depending on the manufacturer.
Types of units
- Paper weight (g/m
): Unit to indicate the weight of one sheet (1 m
) in grams
- Paper weight (lb Bond): Unit to indicate the weight in pounds
- Ream weight (kg): Unit to indicate the weight of 1,000 sheets with specified size in kilograms
The paper weight is typically used in the machine setting. To convert the paper weight to the ream weight for each
format, refer to the following list.
)Copying speed
This machine contains a temperature humidity sensor which automatically controls the copying speed according to
the detected internal temperature.
The copying speed varies depending on the selected option for [Speed Settig] in [Weight] under [Paper Setting], the
selected option for [CPM Down] in [Process Adjustment], and the selected option for [Glossy].
For information about copying speeds that vary depending on the temperature or settings, refer to the following list.
For details about [Weight], [Process Adjustment] and [Glossy], refer to the HTML User's Guide.
Paper weight
/ lb Bond)
Duodecimo (kg) Standard size of
series B (kg)
Octavo (kg) Standard size of
series A (kg)
62 to 74 / 16 to 19 55 53.0 38.0 35.0
63 61.0 43.5 40.5
75 to 80 / 20 to 21 68 65.5 47.0 43.5
81 to 91 / 22 to 24 70 67.5 48.5 44.5
73 70.5 50.5 46.5
92 to 105 / 25 to 28 90 87.0 62.5 57.5
106 to 135 / 29 to 36 110 106.0 76.5 70.5
136 to 176 / 37 to 47 135 130.5 93.5 86.5
150 104.0
177 to 216 / 48 to 57 160 − 111.0 −
180 125.0
217 to 256 / 58 to 68 200 − 139.0 −
220 153.0
257 to 300 / 69 to 81 240 − 167.0 −