Printing on Banner Paper
1 Printing on Banner Paper
Paper up to 1200 mm (47-1/4 inch) long can be loaded into the bypass tray
and printed on using this machine with the appropriate setting specified from
the control panel.
Loading banner paper and printing on it is referred to as “banner printing”
throughout the manual.
1.1 Paper
Paper types
Feed only one sheet of paper at a time.
1.2 Printer Drivers and Supported Operating Systems
The following drivers are compatible with banner paper printing.
1.3 Specifying Printer Driver Settings
To specify printer driver settings
1 Click the Setup tab.
2 From the “Original Size” and “Output Size” drop-down lists, select the
desired settings.
The Custom Size Settings dialog box appears.
Paper Width Paper Length Paper Type
210 to 297 mm
(8-1/4 to 11-3/4
457.3 to 1200 mm
(18 to 47-1/4 inch)
127 to 209 g/m
(33-3/4 to 55-1/2 lb)
Page Description Lan-
Printer Driver Supported Operating Systems
PostScript 3 Emulation Konica Minolta
(PS Visual)
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Home
Edition, Windows XP Professional, and Windows
Server 2003