Machine information
Communication history 5-5
Communication history
You can check the history of transmitted and received jobs. Up to 500 communication
histories can be displayed. You can also print or download the communication history.
Checking the communication history
Log in to Message Board (page 1-4).
Click [Machine Information], and then [Communication History].
You can check the following information on the communication history screen.
Number :
Destination :
Simple Result :
Tx / Rx :
Comm. Category :
Date :
Displays a serial number for all communication jobs (fax transmission/
reception, Scan to e-mail, Scan to folder, and Scan to FTP).
Displays the destination.
With the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed communication
history by destination.
Displays either “OK”, “Error”, or “Cancel” for the communication
With the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed communication
history by communication result.
Displays whether the communication was a transmission(Tx) or
reception(Rx) job.
With the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed communication
history by transmission / reception type.
Displays either “Fax”, “E-mail”, “Folder”, or “FTP” for the
communication type.
With the pull-down menu, you can filter the displayed communication
history by communication type.
Displays the date and time when the communication started.
To sort the history, select the pull-down menu next to [Communication History].
Number :
Job :
Displays the history in serial number order.
Displays the history in job order. This means destinations for a broadcast
communications are displayed in job order.
To confirm the details for the communication, click of the job.
When the communication has failed, check the error code here.
Click [Back] to return to the communication history screen.
For details on error codes, see chapter 8, “Error messages” in the Scanner and Fax