HP Technology Services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase.
Table 1. Service features
Delivery specifications
Remote problem
diagnosis and support
Once the Customer has placed and HP has acknowledged the receipt of a call as described in
‘General provisions’, HP will work during the coverage window to isolate the hardware incident
and to remotely troubleshoot, remedy, and resolve the incident with the Customer. Prior
to any onsite assistance, HP may initiate and perform remote diagnostics using electronic
remote support solutions to access covered products, or HP may use other means available to
facilitate remote incident resolution.
HP will provide telephone assistance for the installation of customer-installable firmware and
Customer Self Repair parts during the service coverage window.
Regardless of the Customer’s coverage window, incidents with covered hardware can be
reported to HP via telephone or Web portal, as locally available, or as an automated equipment
reporting event via the HP electronic remote support solutions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
HP will acknowledge the receipt by logging the call, assigning a case ID, and communicating
that case ID to the Customer. HP retains the right to determine the final resolution of all
reported incidents.
Onsite hardware support
For hardware incidents that cannot, in HP’s judgment, be resolved remotely, an HP authorized
representative will provide onsite technical support on covered hardware products to return
them to operating condition. For certain products, HP may, at its sole discretion, elect to
replace such products in lieu of repairing them. Replacement products are new or functionally
equivalent to new in performance. Replaced products become the property of HP.
Once an HP authorized representative arrives at the Customer’s site, the representative will
continue to deliver the service, either onsite or remotely, at the discretion of HP, until the
products are repaired. Work may be temporarily suspended if parts or additional resources are
required, but work will resume when they become available.
Work to completion may not apply to onsite support provided for desktop, mobile, and
consumer products.
Repair is considered complete upon HP verification that the hardware malfunction has been
corrected or that the hardware has been replaced.
‘Fix-on-Failure’: In addition at time of onsite technical support delivery, HP may:
• Install available engineering improvements to help the Customer ensure proper operation of
the hardware products and maintain compatibility with HP-supplied hardware replacement
• Install available rmware updates dened by HP as non-customer-installable that, in
the opinion of HP, are required to return the covered product to operating condition or to
maintain supportability by HP and for which the Customer has the required license to use, if
‘Fix-on-Request’: In addition, at customer request HP will install during coverage hours critical
firmware updates defined by HP as non-customer-installable and for which the Customer
has the required license to use, if applicable. Critical firmware updates are firmware updates
recommended by the HP product division for immediate installation.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this document or HP’s current standard sales
terms, HP will, for select enterprise storage arrays and enterprise tape products, cover and
replace defective or depleted batteries that are critical to the proper operation of the covered