Flushing the Water System After Changing Filter Removing and Replacing the Storage Bin
After connecting the refrigerator to a water source, fiush the
water system. Use a sturdy container to depress and hoid the
water dispenser iever for 5 seconds, then reiease it for
5 seconds. Repeat untii water begins to fiow. Once water begins
to fiow, continue depressing and reieasing the dispenser iever
(5 seconds on, 5 seconds off) for an additionai 5 minutes. This
wiii fiush air from the fiiter and water dispensing system.
Additionai fiushing may be required in some househoids.
NOTE: As air is cieared from the system, water may spurt out of
the dispenser.
1. Hoid the base of the storage bin with both hands and press
the reiease button to iift the storage bin up and out.
NOTE: it is not necessary to turn the ice maker controi to the
OFF (right) position when removing the storage bin. The
sensor cover (“fiipper door”) on the ieft waii of the freezer
stops the ice maker from producing ice if the door is open or
the storage bin is removed.
2. Repiace the storage bin on the door and push down to make
sure it is secureiy in piace.
Using the Dispenser Without the Water Filter Cartridge
You can run the dispenser without a water fiiter cartridge. Your
water wiii not be fiitered.
1. Remove the fiiter by pressing the eject button and puiiing on
the cap. See “Changing the Water Fiiter” eariier in this
Remove the cap by turning it counterciockwise untii it stops.
IMPORTANT: Do not discard the cap. it is part of your
refrigerator. Keep the cap to use with the repiacement fiiter.
With the cap in a horizontai position, insert the cap into the
base griiie untii it stops.
4. Turn the cap counterciockwise untii the cap siips into the
attachment siot. Then, turn the cap ciockwise untii it is in a
horizontai position.
NOTE: The cap wiii not be even with the base griiie.
Turning the Ice Maker On/Off
The On/Off switch is iocated on the top right side of the freezer
1. Siide the controi to the ON (ieft) position.
NOTE: Your ice maker has an automatic shutoff. The ice maker
sensor passes a beam from one freezer waii to the other,
automaticaiiy stopping ice production when the storage bin is
fuii. The controi wiii remain in the ON (ieft) position.
2. To manuaiiy turn the ice maker off, siide the controi to the
OFF (right) position.
Aiiow 24 hours to produce the first batch of ice. Aiiow 3 days
to compieteiy fiii ice container.
Discard the first three batches of ice produced to avoid
impurities that may be fiushed out of the system.
The quaiity of your ice wiii be oniy as good as the quaiity of
the water suppiied to your ice maker.
Avoid connecting the ice maker to a softened water suppiy.
Water softener chemicais (such as sail) can damage parts of
the ice maker and iead to poor quaiity ice. if a softened water
suppiy cannot be avoided, make sure the water softener is
operating properiy and is weii maintained.
it is normai for the ice cubes to be attached at the corners.
They wiii break apart easiiy.
Do not store anything on top of the ice maker or in the
storage bin.
Your modei may have some or aii of these features. Features that
can be purchased separateiy as product accessories are iabeied
with the word “Accessory.” Not aii accessories wiii fit aii modeis.
if you are interested in purchasing one of the accessories, piease
caii the toii-free number on the back cover or in the
“Accessories” section.
Important information to know about giass sheives
and covers:
Do not ciean giass sheives or covers with warm water when
they are coid. Sheives and covers may break if exposed to
sudden temperature changes or impact, such as bumping.
Tempered giass is designed to shatter into many smaii,
pebbie-size pieces. This is normai. Giass sheives and covers
are heavy. Use both hands when removing them to avoid