Many Jackson dishmachines are equipped with vacuum
breakers to serve as back-flow prevention devices. ASSE require-
ments specify what type of back-flow prevention is necessary on
dishmachines. Vacuum breakers, unlike air gaps, have certain
parts that have specific tolerances and design aspects that must
be met in order to function properly.
Jackson offers repair kits for replacing some of the wear
items associated with vacuum breakers which will allow you to
save money in that replacement of these parts can take place with-
out removing the vacuum breaker from the plumbing assembly.
The instructions provided here are for maintenance per-
sonnel only. Unauthorized persons should not attempt any of the
steps contained in these instructions.
Warning: many of the instructions and steps within
this document require the use of tools. Only authotized per-
sonnel should ever perform any maintenance procedure on
the dishmachine!
1. Power must be secured to the unit at the service break-
er. Tag or lock out the service breaker to prevent accidental or
unauthorized energizing of the machine.
2. Ensure that incoming water to the machine is secured
either by use of a shut-off valve or disconnecting the incoming
water line.
The following tools will be needed to perform this mainte-
nance evolution:
1. Small flathead screwdriver
2. Needle nose pliers
It is estimated that it will take (1) person twenty minutes to
perform this task, not including all of the items indicated in the sec-
tion entitled “PREPARATION”.
1. Read these instructions thoroughly before attempting
this maintenance evolution. Become familiar with the parts and
what actions need to be taken. This will save time in the long run!
1. Note:
These instructions only apply to vacuum breakers (1/2”
NPT and 3/4” NPT) as pictured below. The repair kits indicated in
these instructions will only work on those style of back-flow preven
ters. If you have a machine with a different style of vacuum break
er, contact Jackson service about replacement components.
2. Note: Even though the photos in these instructions show a vac
uum breaker that has been removed from the plumbing assembly,
these maintenance steps could be performed with it installed so
long as the requirements in the section entitled “PREPARATION”
have been met.
3. Remove the top cap by gripping firmly and turning to the left. The
cap should come off after a few turns.
4. Set the cap to the side.
5. Using the needle nose pliers, gently lift out the plunger and set
to the side. Examine the brass seating surface inside the vacuum
breaker. The plunger is required to sit flat on this surface so it must
be free of defects, imperfections and the like. If there is debris,
remove it. If it is chipped or cracked then the vacuum breaker must
be replaced. Failure to do so may result in the vacuum breaker not
working according to its design and could result in damage to the
Vacuum Breaker Repair Kits Instructions
Revision B (01/18/2006)
Vacuum breaker
Removing the cap