Graphics PrintingAppendix —C
68 PK80 Series 80-Column Printer User’s Manual
The remaining bytes (d1–d 11) are the data that comprises the dot image
pattern of the defined character. Since a character can use up to 11 col-
umns, you must supply 11 data numbers for each character even if some
left to right, with MSB as the top pin.
When printable code expansion is enabled via ESC I, and the user-defined
character set is selected with ESC %, the following codes less than 20h
may be defined for use and are printable:
Hexadecimal Format
1b 26 00 k1 k2 s1 d1 .. d11
Printable Code Expansion Characters
0 NUL 11 DC1
1 SOH 15 NAK
2 STX 16 SYN
3 ETX 17 ETB
4 EOT 1c FS
5 ENQ 1d GS
6 ACK 1e RS
10 DLE 1f US
Note: This command is only available when the default SBCS character
set is selected.
ESC % — Select User-Defined Set
This command sequence selects the user-defined character set when the
variable n =1andESC & defines the character set. A value of n = 0 selects
the normal character set.
Hexadecimal Format
1b 25 n
Note: This command is only available when the default SBCS character
set is selected.
ESC 6 — E nable Printing of Codes 128–159
This command is allowed f or compatibility with the 6820 Printer but
causes no action on the PK80 Printer. The default behavior for the PK80
Printer is that codes 128–159 are printable characters rather than control
Hexadecimal Format
1b 25 n
Note: This command is only available when the default SBCS character
set is selected.