Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in “Notices” on page ix .
| Second Edition (January 1999)
| This edition applies to AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility, which is shipped with Print Services Facility 3.1.0 for OS/390 (program
| number 5655-B17), Print Services Facility/MVS 2.2.0 (program number 5695-040), Print Services Facility/VM 2.1.1 (program number
| 5684-141), Print Services Facility/VSE 2.2.1 (program number 5686-040), IBM Print Services Facility for AIX 2.1.0 (program number
| 5765-505), and IBM InfoPrint Manager for AIX 3.1.0 (program number 5648-B34). This edition applies to all subsequent releases and
| modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Be sure to use the correct edition for the level of the
| product.
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