hp customer support
hp psc 2200 series
Brazil (Demais Localidades) 0800 157751 Palestine +971 4 883 8454
Canada during warranty (905) 206 4663 Panama 001-800-7112884
Canada post-warranty
(per-call charge)
1-877-621-4722 Peru 0-800-10111
Caribbean & Central
1-800-711-2884 Philippines 632-867-3551
Chile 800-10111 Poland +48 22 865 98 00
China 86 10 6564 5959
86 800 810 5959
Portugal +351 21 3176333
Colombia 9-800-114-726 Puerto Rico 1-877-232-0589
Costa Rica 0-800-011-0524 Qatar +971 4 883 8454
Czech Republic +42 (0) 2 6130 7310 Romania +40 1 315 44 42
01 3154442
Denmark +45 39 29 4099 Russia, Moscow +7 095 797 3520
Ecuador 1-800-225528 Russia, St. Petersburg +7 812 346 7997
Europe (English) +44 (0) 207 512 5202 Saudi Arabia +800 897 14440
Egypt 02 532 5222 Singapore (65) 272-5300
Finland +358 (0) 203 47 288 Slovakia +421 2 682 08080
France (0.34 Euro/min.) +0836696022 South Africa (RSA) 086 000 1030
Germany (0.12 Euro/min.) +49 (0) 180 52 58 143 South Africa, Outside Republic +27-11 258 9301
Greece +30 1060 73 603 Spain +34 902 321 123
Hong Kong +85 (2) 3002 8555 Sweden +46 (0)8 619 2170
Guatemala 1800-995-5105 Switzerland
+41 (0) 84 880 1111
Hungary +36 (0) 1 382 1111 Taiwan +886-2-2717-0055
0800 010 055
India 1-600-112267
91 11 682 6035
Thailand +66 (2) 661 4000
Indonesia 62-21-350-3408 Tunisia
+216 1891 222
Ireland +358 (0) 1 662 5525 Turkey +90 216 579 7171
Israel +972 (0) 9 9524848 Ukraine +7 (380-44) 490-3520
Italy +39 0226410350 United Arab Emirates +971 4 883 8454
Japan 0570 000 511
+81 3 3335 9800
United Kingdom +44 (0) 207 512 52 02
Jordan +971 4 883 8454 Venezuela 0800-47468368
Korea +82 (2) 3270 0700 Venezuela (Caracas) (502) 207-8488
Kuwait +971 4 883 8454 Vietnam 84-8-823-4530
Lebanon +971 4 883 8454 Yemen +971 4 883 8454
a This Call Center supports French speaking customers from the following countries: Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.
country/region hp technical support country/region hp technical support