ENWW Index 53
ad hoc mode 4
cannot find computer 30
advanced authentication protocols 26
changing networks 21
checking wireless light 31
communication modes
ad hoc 4
infrastructure 4
peer to peer 4
copyright and trademark information ii
data information 15
domain name server (DNS)
IP address 11
multicast service name 11
dynamic encryption 26
embedded Web server
admin password 11
Energy Star 41
Environmental Product Stewardship Program 41
FCC compliance 36
printer options 2
troubleshooting 2
infrastructure mode
cannot find computer 30
cannot find WLAN 29
computer unable to find device 30
installation problems 24
authentication protocols not supported 26
cannot discover device 24
cannot find network name 25
device cannot connect 24
incorrectly set SSID or WEP key 26
no TCP/IP 24
printer not found 25
setup failed 27
signal not received by device 27
verification failure 26
wireless access card configuration 27
wrong WEP key 26
IP address 10
adding 10
DNS 11
link speed 11
media access control
address 9
address authentication 6
filtering 33
Media Access Control (MAC) 9
multiple WEP keys 26
network configuration page
access point MAC address 13
authentication type 14
bad packets received 15
communication mode 12
configuration source 10
default gateway 10
device IP address 10
DNS server 11
encryption 14
EWS admin password 11
firmware revision code 10
firmware version 10
hardware address 9
host name 10
link speed 11
mDNS service name 11
network connection type 9
network status 9
printing 9
Service Set Identifier (SSID) 12
signal strength 13
subnet mask 10
TCP/IP name 10
total packets received 15
total packets transmitted 15
verification 31
Wi-Fi Protected Access 15
wireless communication channel 13
wireless network status 12
network settings
general 9
troubleshooting 32
wireless 12
Part ii
password for embedded Web server 11
personal software firewall 24
print cartridge
where to send to recycle 42
IP address 10
unmatched network settings 32
printer drivers
sites for download 2